Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday at Lambeth: the big bishop photo shoot and our Mainers lift their voices in song

Six hundred and seventy bishops from across the Anglican Communion got their picture made on Saturday. Our bishops were there to tell the story.

The Diocese of Maine is well-represented in the Episcopal Church's Bishops and Spouses Choir with Mike Knudsen, Bishop Stephen and Gretchen Lane as members. Bishop Chilton is the flipographer. Worship services at Lambeth have been organized by various provinces and on Saturday the service of Evensong was conducted by the Episcopal Church.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


What a treat to hear the music and see good friends: Lisa and Jeff Lee, Nedi Rivera, Catherine Roskam, and others! Thanks! And the song, "Let your service of love be a beautiful thing" by Dent Davidson, is very special.

Thanks for sharing all of this!

Patricia Robertson+